Websites Integration and Design is a part of SEO – SEO in 2013
- Simple and elegant design:-
If you will have a nice and simple design of your website, you have a better chance of returning visitors. Also there should be a sidebar defining the archives and your recent post. Footer should only include tags, referral links and page links. Your website should have a day and night mode, it is coming as a built-in function of some CMS themes. Your website should be smooth and page length should be small.
- Social Bookmarking’s and RSS feed:-
You should have a page on almost every social networking website or maybe on a few top ones. There should be a direct buttons on the top of you page so people will land on your social page and become a follower. Social bookmarking is a part of SEO, you can’t neglect this factor. On the other side there is a category of ‘readers’ who like to read, they don’t prefer advertisement on that page. So there is a term called ‘RSS feed’ which reminds them to read the latest article you posted and will send subscribers and email that your website is updated.
- Backlinks and inbound links: -
If you write an article about a topic and you know that there are a lot of similar article to that certain topic then what you need to do is to simply put those links as a hyperlink your post. Why do we need to create inbound links? Well whenever a reader is reading an article and he will find out another source, he will definitely go to the source because for him it might be interesting but wait. What will happen next? There should be another inbound link there. So basically it’s a loop and the reader will get the desired information and you will have a bunch of page loads in your stat record.
- Keywords: -
There are plenty of keywords that have a high ranking because they are being searched a lot. Your website must have a category, so according to that category you need to find those keywords and put them in your articles. You need to search about those keywords on Google Trends; this site provides information about the latest keywords which people are searching. There are some high keywords which might give you a better ranking in search query but it’s not guaranteed. Pick medium level keywords because there will be a better chance of you to get on top of these keywords.
- URL’s and Permalinks: -
At first you should have a better name for your domain. It really doesn’t matter but if your website has a real name from a dictionary then it will be easier for the search engines to pick it up quickly. Permalinks should not be in numbers, some CMS sites show the article number. It is not healthy for your website. When search engines enlist the search query they notice if permalink has a desired keyword or not.
This was all about the Web design and Integration. SEO includes both of these factors, follow these steps and remember that your website should be elegant and should take less time to load.
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